These are surprisingly easy to make. A great 9 degree ruler pattern project.
Make simple strip stratas and cut them with a 9 degree ruler. Then watch the magic begin. NO seams to match, NO curves to cut, No weird shapes to cut, just AMAZING results! Use prints with prints or solids or combinations-anything goes here.
Do not be intimidated by how this quilt looks finished-it's like "a slight of hands"! Anne often gets a common reaction: "It looks too hard for me to make". But it's not and students are always amazed when they finish their quilts. It’s magically fun!
There are lots of ways to accent the centers-circles, paper piecing, 4-square, kaleidoscope, many more.... What a great way to impress your friends!
LEVEL: Confident beginner
CLASS: 3 sessions (3 hours each)
REQUIRED: 9 degree ruler (25" or 18")